

This scrambled socket

Is pumping out the juice

That hisses electric

Toward your coma-like blues

You can call it passion

But it looks like a noose

And all those ghosts tell their secrets

When the drink sets them loose.


Someone squeezed my organs

And I rained down for years

Burnt out in the garbage show

Sneaking through top soil

I saw oil top the water

When I lost my teeth in dreams

And lit up this here lantern


Feeling nervous,

I checked for voices in pockets


So I took up breezes

And quick sightings of genius

But I left my pact open

To weep for none living

Like an empty room would

With only the cobwebs sniffing.


I’d please your eyes

When you said this land was mine

Current and unbroken

Until the dust gathered up in lines

And I’d run out back


I just couldn’t sweep fast enough to beat it to the punch. 

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