
The Best Thing I've Ever Written: Incomplete Confessions

We left the blur of beer 
to those with nothing better
and paired our half full cans
to the stoop near the exit.

We kissed before our cars
and I traced her line home
so our voices
could wrap to each other
without the volume needed
for crowded rooms.

I was intrigued 
in all that lay waiting
behind her facade,
that self-righteous stomp
she let loose
to cover up the cracks in the model.

When alone
she became delicate near the dark
and would produce her heart up
in fragments
as lures for an outline
of incomplete confessions

But still, she rattled me
as I walked the border 
of preservation and full disclosure.
Her shields reflected my own
and my mirror gave no preparation
For when it was safe to jump over.

And in time I've grown to know
I was too young to love her.

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