
Everything Shakes Out


5 shot out

3 behind

4 more follow

12 to the line

our time served

for these mirrored sighs

where 24 red eyes

blink their goodbyes


This is the closing car

flying right

Of the neon drops.

In a chamber

I am alive

Under a sea of sound

And sonic leeway,

As I ally with the dark

To stay full in faint light.


My industrial sweat

Vanishes through battle

With a precision AC,

Itself soon just a trail

Of white noise

Zipping through my music.


Everything shakes out

When you live here.

The pieces, mad

And willing to withstand

Every shock.

So you nod at its angle

Hoping to gather voltage

Around the chatter.


Animate without the after

When this, I feel free.

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