
A Night's Tattoo

I dream fire
and awake as if boiled
but badly undercooked.
I am a dream of fire,
a warrior's only end
when you can't see the middle.

I dream of vengeance
and awake guilty
as if crimes of passion
tattoo themselves to you
no matter what world they are born to.

I can wake ashamed
through I never pray there
and like a weary warrior,
pardon myself over time
for what I keep reliving.

Who Sleeps Anyway?

Her first sound is the click of the latch.

This stance says its late

As she hangs to the doorway,

Eyes an escalator.

They’d like you to believe she’s tired

As they roam in shifts.


All carpet leads to the couch

Where she’ll collapse

And curl to her favorite blanket.

The room

Brimming with the blue of a blank channel

Clicked to the talking heads

Running down

Past due stories.


It’ll be an hour.

That tends to be her time slot.

And she’ll remove the last of the night-life

To ensure

her place

near the night light.


She asks her son,

“Why are you still up?”

She wants to watch her shows.

Neither sleeps

As they interrupt each other’s trouble.

It might not be all night,

But it’s every night,

And only those that live here know it.

Tip Down Dark

Set to stab in the kitchen

With its arctic barbs

He tacked the monster on.

It paces angry to its corner

With a sneer

that’d love to prod a gash,

desperately seething

as my patience starts to crash


I remain a silent chef

Against an eager opportunist

Here the walls hang heavy,

Soaking up the swearing,

Beating down reason

In a cloud of dirt and ego,

And he’s learned enough to know

The look of my blood.


It’s boiling,

And I tip down dark

Into some strange haven

Built on buried woe.

I release a beast of my own.


Motherfucker, try me!

I will not hesitate

to spill your soul onto this floor

And leave you nursing wounds that can’t be sewn.

I will parade your pain around this kitchen

Till you are fully wrung.

And if you’re not hollow,

If I can’t hear your ears whistle,

This ain’t over.

And you’ll wish

you could shake out the things I’ve said.

But they’ll stick like poison darts

Pumping cerebral headaches

through every ounce of security

you’ve built over time.

You ain’t looking at a saint

And this beast is here to break you.                       

Send Up An Echo

I’m thirteen

Bus stop walk after 6

Orange lit flickering off fresh concrete

Silent air sliced by footsteps

Every truck light collects

Incremental bursts

For the lamps spilling out

Color to the morning


Plank fence right hand

New homes behind the boards

Chain link left hand

Manufactured and divided

Dawn awakens in steps

Before the bus stop


By the flooding creek

An ambushed drain overflows

My breath is a toy

A minor’s faux smoke

Over my teeths’ quick conversation

Always solo, bundled tight


My fingers inflame

Without cupped warmth

It’s energy vs. exhaustion

And cold air wakes everything up 

Last Bulb

When the last bulb burns down

And sheds it brightened beam,

There is a pause,

Where the night owls

Hold their breath

And exhale the tilt the day has brought them.


There’s the choice now

Between closed or open

And to some,

This type of open is a screen adjustment.

But I breathe deep

And tap the beat on the sheets of my bed.

Imagining shapes in the shadows

That bend in the sway

Of lights from the driveway.


And if I’m lucky,

There’s no tearful taunts,

Or wild whooping

From the porches overlooking the streets.

Its here where I become clear

With my thick smile.



That Was Me

Up a hill’s a hospital.

One baby born

lived two blocks down.

That was me.


Wrapped and carried

A blanket became clothes

And I learned not to clutch

To homes that switched forms

Small town to city


Some sat,

On hillsides hiding

From the roads slithering up slopes

With their magazine views

And quiet composition.


One led to an island of bridge arrows

And canopy entrances where

Soil became sand

And those red shutters

That fluttered on the wind’s command

Left their paint

To bind with passing heels.


My sand was erased

By a West Hills overlook

Where the green vines growth

Overtook and gave no gander

To the long view of water

Hidden by the forest.


Here I lived flights down past gongs

In a long room leading out to

Back deck hammocks,

Where I would let

My head hang back to see

The grass mix with vines on the slope,

Rocking under an abbreviated sky


Again I had to leave

As age eighteen hustled me off

Driving somewhere

As the concrete splits

With me

Right in the cracks

Of travels routes and cardboard.


I’ve grown to love movement

Ugly In My Anger

You get older

And you start looking for quotes

To sum up times where you need sense

Make sense?

Hell I can’t even make a grin

What hope do I have for a win?

No one said I deserved it

But sometimes,

You don’t need to hear the words

To get the feeling you’ve earned it


I wish

I could burn it to the ground

And rise up from the ashes

Rinse myself down

But who knows

When that day will come

I just sit here waiting,

Debating, confused and ugly in my anger.


He felt bored and wished someone would fix it.

The beach sounded better,

A little house with seashells and lapping waves,

That’s a fix for a moment...

But where’s the money and who is gonna give it

He thought this and wondered if the girl next door

Wanted to come and hide for awhile

The vagueness of his existence

Worried him and made him peer over his text

With reckless abandon, hoping for an answer.


But in it he just felt alone,

And unwanted,

And scared,

And no one understood.


When they did he guessed he couldn’t connect

The dots between them or be big enough

To take the chance in the first place.

Every night he was in the music

Leaning forward in his chair

He became depressed,

He lied to himself,

Stayed depressed and felt alone.

When someone said how bout something else

He said I don’t know how to get there.


He couldn’t get the courage.

He didn’t want to pay for his soul.

He didn’t want help.

He stayed alone.


When this is how it is

How does it change?

It could change

Somewhere there’s a change waiting

He wants to snap it up

But then he lays his head back down

And lets his vision get blurry


Maybe its time to sleep

Maybe he’s drinking too much

Maybe he says maybe cuz he doesn’t want to do anything but pout


He wants the girl but doesn’t know the steps

He never places himself out there

He becomes repressed

And looks to explode without survival

He wants this new him to die

And the old one to surface

And become a man worth his time.


I remain partial

Unfettered and unbelieving

In a truth born wisdom.

I haven’t met the gatekeepers

And that guy on the street yelling

Is just another sad song for the notebook


I walk past unopened

Still smiling

Selling my cleaned up calling card

As my eyes focus

Beyond yours

Wavering till I lose interest


People see me crumble

And as uneven as I feel

I throw down advice

I see as sage like on every ear near me

I hardly feel blessed

When I seem so selfish


I see my feelings

As unfollowed and all believing

And I’m growing tired of

Walking through bar doors

To pretend that this

room isn’t shrinking


I feel without meaning

among life’s sculptures.

There’s some truth!

Now where’s the wisdom?

I’ll listen

I just can’t

Refresh my vision

Past old habits

And my vices seem to be breaking me open

With none of the relief I hoped to find.


My drug became sadness

And she doesn’t help either.

So I suck in miss sadness

and puke out her words.

You Belong In Common

I couldn’t repeat it all

But then again,

Maybe I haven’t sat with it long enough

I don’t hear quick meaning

But then again,

I kind of do.


When I don’t know the language

All I am and can be

Is an admirer.


I’d like to know the transfer

And have myself a party.


You belong in common.

To lock us

Into what we are

And might be.

I’m gushing

Though I doubt


Too simple.


My meaning is long

And I never understand it all

But it can make me burst

When I discover,

Another key, which is…


There is just too much for me

What Its Like


You taste what hovers

And accept that collapse

Is the last stage of a snake wrap throat.

Seeing goodbyes,

As fists up.


Panic strips your stripes,

And you wonder if they notice,

If they can help you,

And you realize that you’ll die alone

Because no one can.


So you’ll wonder if you mattered,

If people’d have time

Past the flowers and the funeral

Or if they’d even make the trip at all.


Your brain wants to swallow

So you fight

And you guess giant breaths

Because you heard somewhere

They devour stress.


But you can’t keep em steady

When you’re body keeps darting

Igniting nerves in lonely muscles

Where it knows you’ll focus

On what you’ll see as not normal.


you think you’re going down

on an Unlucky heart

If you don’t pay attention to living

And fighting for a pump.


Sometimes you know you’ll be okay

Because you’ve lived the symptoms

And this time felt the same.

But there you are holding the phone

Ready for a quick 911 before you fall


But if you sit before a doctor

You’ll hear, “attack”

And “you’ll be fine”

Then you feel like a fool