
No Videos: Just Pics & Words...Ryan Adams & The Cardinals in Seattle

(Pics From Seattle Weekly)

Ryan Adams & The Cardinals blew me away the other night. I mean, I have a ton of recorded shows, both Ryan by himself and with the Cards, so I knew I was in for something good, but the sheer musicianship and talent shooting off the stage into my eardrums absolutely floored me. I remember leaning over to Gavin and just saying, "I could listen to this all night long," and I wasn't kidding. I just wanted song after song after song. Isn't that the mark of a great artist? When you just want to hear whatever they play, not necessarily because its all A+ material, just because it's real and the way its performed evens out the edges or creates some edges for something that might have been much too smooth. Basically, I sat there and said to myself, 'I couldn't go on tour or follow many bands, but I could follow this one and be so happy about it.' To sum up, he's the real deal. An artist fully out there for good or bad. And his band is so tight! And yes, I mean it as in 'THEY ARE GREAT," but what I'm really getting at is that they are real deal musicians (all of them) and they are tight, as in locked in. It was more rock than not, but that's alllllright with this kid.

If you get a chance, don't walk, but run to a show, you'll come away better for it. Next up is the setlist and if I can find the audio I'll post that later. Hey! If anyone wants some great Ryan Adams shows (solo, Cards, etc), let me know and I'll upload them.

Off Broadway
Peaceful Valley
Let it Ride
Fix It (New Song)
Shakedown On 9th Street
Cobwebs (New Song)
Please Do Not Let Me Go
Cold Roses
Everybody Knows
Rescue Blues
Easy Plateau

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Those are tremendous photos, did you bring an SLR under press pass? I just saw them in Boston on Sunday night, had a first row seat but the show was so dark I had problems with my shots.