
Listening Party: August 7

Bob Marley: Survival-Easily my favorite Bob Marley cd. I haven't listened to it in years, but it certainly got a welcome home party, when I let its sound wash over me this afternoon. It remains hopeful as it addresses political strife, it stays joyful as it comments on the lives of average Jamaicans and because it holds these two forces within it, it carries with it, the power to translate that hope and joy to the people who lived or are outside those situations. That's connectivity. That's good writing. Check out: "Top Ranking," "Survival," and "Ambush In The Night."

Bruce Springsteen: Darkness On The Edge Of Town: When you listen to this album, you really feel for the Boss. He just sounds so beaten up and forlorn. This album is anger and hurt and sadness and striving all rolled into one, but you don't get that hand reaching out that you get with Born To Run. Bruce obsessives will probably tell you that this is as good as it gets, the Boss has plenty of other great moments, but this is his heart strings album. There's some truth in that and maybe, his longevity stems from his ability create albums of different themes/moods for different people while still being able to articulate what he wants to say in such broad strokes. I have a tendency to allow myself to go darker than I probably should so even though I tend to cherish albums like Born To Run & The River a bit more, I think I relate more to this one and that sense of yearning amidst a feeling of stark isolation. Listen to the album though, more than once, more often than others and it'll probably achieve a favorite status with you, too.

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