
Listening Party: August 11

Pearl Jam: Vs.

Selling it to the layman:
Vs. is the right title for this record as it truly is, Vedder and Co. in their chosen corner, against the world. They come out swinging with "Go" whose chainsaw guitars and propulsive energy keep it chugging through the thick air that dominates this record. And it is a record, whose atmosphere weighs down heavy, but somehow, and this may be the redeeming quality of the album, or atleast the thing that makes it feel like its aggression doesn't come off as simply cold & distant, is that there is a warmth to sound. It isn't necessarily inviting, but you don't feel as they you are being kept at arms length. You have been invited into a bumpy ride, but a hand is out helping you aboard if you feel like going. Its powerful and is probably the most consistent Pearl Jam album, which makes it easy to return to.

Selling It To Phil:
1. Go
2. Animal
3. Daughter
4. Glorified G
5. Dissident
6. WMA
7. Blood
8. Rearviewmirror
9. Rats
10. Elderly Woman Behind The Counter...
11. Leash
12. Indifference

Sigur Ros: Með Suð í Eyrum Við Spilum Endalaust: There is something freeing about not understanding the meaning behind one single world that the singer is saying. To me, its the same as enjoying a book, more than the movie, for the simple fact that the images made, are created by the viewer's/listener's mind. When you don't have anything to hold on to or anything that will automatically color your interpretation, you only have yourself, which can be quite rare and quite exciting. I don't spend a lot of time in the Icelandic world of Sigur Ros. I always forget about them. But, I sure like it when I do. This album seems to be more upbeat than what I've heard in the past, with a lot more horns blowing and cymbals crashing, helping the songs to carry their marching vibe forward. However, those looking for everything to not be so booming and dynamic, will still find the ethereal wonder that has marked their previous work. They are still a headphone band, they are still a mood band, there are still Sigur Ros.

Whiskeytown: Stranger's Almanac: "Don't ask me how I'm doing/when everything I do says I miss you." Oh Ryan Adams, apparently you've always been a little down. For those that don't know, this is Ryan's first band before he broke away and threw his name on the marquee. What you get here is Alt. Country, through and through. You know, country with a little bit more of that Rock n Roll sneer. The lyrics tend to be downtrodden in nature and unlike his solo records, where you might find an upbeat number or two in the mix, these songs depend on sadness and its offshoots. And while this isn't a bad thing or something that drags you into a hole, it definitely isn't "All You Need Is Love." Another interesting element is that Ryan's voice is coated with this small town southern drawl, which gives you the impression that he was playing a character (he probably was) instead of just being himself. To sum it, I'm a fan and it will be played many times. Check Out: "Excuse Me While I Break My Own Heart," "Everything I Do," and "Somebody Remembers The Rose."


PJ said...

I'm sorry this post has me torn. It actually hurts to distinguish between the greatness of all Pearl Jam Studio Albums. You make a strong case for Vs. Its hard to beat Daughter, Glorified G, Blood, rearviewmorror, Elderly WOman, indefference, and the weird track Rats. But Ten is also am amazaing album. Ten is a great autobiography of Vedder and showcases the entire band . Where can you hear the likes of
Even Flow
Why Go
Notice how I had to list all the songs in order they appear on the album yeah it's that good. There is not a mediocre song on the album. Once gets you started and you can't stop the air guitar/singing to yourself session. Until Realease wafts over you and settles.

Colin said...

I'm with you, its tough. Gonna say a few things. 1) Elderly Woman sucks. 2) Ten is beyond solid and even if I think Vs. is better Ten is still a close second. 3) Ten, while great, isn't edgy. Vs. is edgy, it goes for it and it succeeds. Not to mention it did all of this under the weight of the sophomore album "curse" possibility and having to follow a Monster Hit/Breakthrough Album. They came out swinging, which makes the songs even more aggressive. 4) I like "in your face" rock, that has to be taken under consideration. 5) Elderly woman sucks. 6) Rats, while weird, is still awesome. 7) Go is easily in my top 5 fav. PJ songs of all time and finally 8) Ten is the fastball and Vs. is the curve and curve balls are more interesting in the long run.