
'When The Levee Breaks': First Edition

Anyone that's a fan of the epic Zeppelin cut, "When The Levee Breaks' can now hear the original it was distilled & bottled from...Kansas Joy McCoy and Memphis Minnie's version of the same name. Also, if you feel so inclined, you can read up on the history behind the two versions.

Link: http://blog.wired.com/music/2008/08/a-short-history.html#more


Guerilla Marketing Campaigns

Besides this campaign for "The Sopranos" with some wacked guy's arm hanging out of an NYC cab, there are 14 other campaigns you can check out at WebUrbanist.

Link: http://weburbanist.com/2008/08/27/15-amazing-dramatic-guerrilla-marketing-campaigns/

That Sweet New Oasis Song: "To Be Where There's Life"

Here's that song I was taking about in my Oasis concert post. See how it just pumps through your bloodstream? Try to shake that groove, seriously, try!

No Videos: Just Pics & Words...Ryan Adams & The Cardinals in Seattle

(Pics From Seattle Weekly)

Ryan Adams & The Cardinals blew me away the other night. I mean, I have a ton of recorded shows, both Ryan by himself and with the Cards, so I knew I was in for something good, but the sheer musicianship and talent shooting off the stage into my eardrums absolutely floored me. I remember leaning over to Gavin and just saying, "I could listen to this all night long," and I wasn't kidding. I just wanted song after song after song. Isn't that the mark of a great artist? When you just want to hear whatever they play, not necessarily because its all A+ material, just because it's real and the way its performed evens out the edges or creates some edges for something that might have been much too smooth. Basically, I sat there and said to myself, 'I couldn't go on tour or follow many bands, but I could follow this one and be so happy about it.' To sum up, he's the real deal. An artist fully out there for good or bad. And his band is so tight! And yes, I mean it as in 'THEY ARE GREAT," but what I'm really getting at is that they are real deal musicians (all of them) and they are tight, as in locked in. It was more rock than not, but that's alllllright with this kid.

If you get a chance, don't walk, but run to a show, you'll come away better for it. Next up is the setlist and if I can find the audio I'll post that later. Hey! If anyone wants some great Ryan Adams shows (solo, Cards, etc), let me know and I'll upload them.

Off Broadway
Peaceful Valley
Let it Ride
Fix It (New Song)
Shakedown On 9th Street
Cobwebs (New Song)
Please Do Not Let Me Go
Cold Roses
Everybody Knows
Rescue Blues
Easy Plateau


Ryan Adams Is A Genius (Especially Live)

It's a fact. Here's some proof.

Come Pick Me Up (Live On Letterman): Dave just gushes about the song. He's in the right.

Sylvia Plath: Tender, Sweet, But Odd Song

Touch, Feel & Lose: Here's the power of a voice. Around the middle, the fireworks start and its a show.

Cold Roses: "Daylight comes in exposin'/Saturday bruises and cold roses."

Down In A Hole (Alice In Chains Cover): You can no longer doubt if you've made it to this monster.

Before You Give The Vocoder, The Cold Shoulder It Deserves...

Watch this video, on mute if you have to. The song is just ok, but the design of the video is cool.

T-Pain: "I Can't Believe It"

"This One's For Four Eyes"- Oasis: Live In Seattle

(Images from Spin.com)

Yes, Liam Gallagher's inner tact monitor knows no bounds as he laid that very phrase on some poor guy in the front row before kicking off another, in a long line of hits. And that's how it went, with Oasis's "look how many brilliant songs we got"-o-meter on rapid fire, pummeling their adoring crowd into a healthy state of submission. Thankfully, Liam was on point with a voice sounding much better and less croaky than last tour. Noel probably smacked the frog out of his throat or something. They had a new drummer who Liam told would be fired for fucking up a song and obviously, Gem & Andy were holding it down on the left side of the stage. Also, on the right behind Noel, you had a guy that looked like "Bed-In" Era John Lennon. His contract probably states that he has to appear as a Lennon lookalike to stay in the group. Speaking of the Beatles, they dropped a mean "I Am The Walrus" to close, LOUDLY.

Show-wise: it was so great. I was surprised about how many lyrics I knew and everyone, including myself, was just singing at the top of their lungs from the first chords of song 1, which ended up being "Rock n Roll Star." Good way to spend a Tuesday. There's a reason why they have been around so long and people still love them. They might not get the stadium treatment that they do in Britain 'round here (p.s. British chaps were out in full to see their band), but they have a fanatical base here, as well. I was just excited to finally fulfill a long-held desire to see them ever since they popped up on my MtV screen back when I was a youngin'. I'm sure I missed their prime, but I don't really care, esp. since a lot of the new songs sounded pretty damn good. Excited for the new record.

Here's the setlist and some clips.

1.- Rock N Roll Star
2.- Lyla
3.- The Shock Of The Lightning (New Song)
4.- Cigarettes & Alcohol
5.- The Meaning Of Soul
6.- To Be Where There's Life (New Song, SO AWESOME)
7.- The Masterplan
8.- Songbird
9.- Slide Away
10.- Morning Glory
11.- Ain't Got Nothin (New Song)
12.- The Importance Of Being Idle
13.- Wonderwall
14.- Supersonic
15.- Don't Look Back In Anger (Acoustic)
16.- Falling Down (New Song)
17.- Champagne Supernova
18.- I Am The Walrus (EPIC)

Slide Away:

Don't Look Back In Anger:

Audio Download (If You Feel Like Hearing It): http://www.megaupload.com/?d=CBW6UY10

I'll post about the phenomenal Ryan Adams & the Cardinals set too when some videos pop up on youtube.


In Honor Of What I Missed

Missed me some Wilco and Beck this weekend and even though, Beck supposedly only played 1 hr and 15 mins! FOR HIS WHOLE SET! I still wish I went to both of them.

Here's "I'm Always In Love" from I Am Trying To Break Your Heart

Here's Beck knocking out "Little One" from Austin City Limits w/ the Lips as his backing band


Colette x Gap Collab. Coat

Such a sucker for contrast.


Radiohead: White River Amp. Show

Show was too good for words. Seriously, words cheapen it.

15 Step
There There
All I Need
Pyramid Song
Talk Show Host
The National Anthem
The Gloaming
Faust Arp/Tell Me Why
Jigsaw Falling Into Place
Climbing Up The Walls
Dollars and Cents
How to Disappear Completely
Arpeggi/Weird Fishes
In Limbo
Street Spirit
You And Whose Army?
No Surprises
Everything In Its Right Place


The National Anthem (watch the light show on this one)


There There:

You And Whose Army:

Climbing Up The Walls:

Pyramid Song:

And now you too can hear it (Audio Download): http://www.megaupload.com/?d=56FRQ09C


LeRoi Moore...Sudden Death

LeRoi Moore of Dave Matthews Band fame and a mean sax/wind instrument player, died unexpectedly yesterday. I'm really curious as to what the exact reason will turn out to be. I know he got nailed in an ATV accident and has had some odd complications during his recovery, but I didn't expect him to die. Poor guy. He will be missed and will always remind me of a certain point of my musical life.

Here's some #41 from Listener Supported...strong work by LeRoi.


New Oasis: The Shock Of The Lightning

New album is coming and I can't wait.

Google HQ Pics: Good For Them

Straight from the email of Siri Overstreet, comes a Google HQ Picture Extravaganza. Huzzah!

Slide that takes you from floor to floor. Modern day firepole?

Massages for all comers.

A room for rest equipped with darkness, fishtanks and those massage chairs you always find yourself in if the Sharper Image is a second home.

Library for the word nerds.

Eating to their hearts' content.

What's a work station without double screens for all? I like how it looks like an open book.

And the Lord said, "On everyday shall they play."

Computer problems can also signal time for a drink.

Well done Google. Hats off.


Songs In Ads: Pink Moon

My friend and I were arguing about whether this was the best placement of music in an ad ever. Whatever the answer is, its still a great commercial, whether that's due to how strong a shadow the song casts or how pretty a picture they paint of a shared moment.

James Perse Custom Cruiser Bike

Based on a SoCal beach staple, this custom-built bike comes in a variety of frame colors (orange, white, khaki green), which are all smooth in their own right, but I prefer it as it is in the picture above, murdered out in flat black. Even though, I don't ride a bike, I can't fight the desire to see this beauty leaning up against a wall, ready to be rode.

Will Be Purchased

"Under A Blood Red Sky" is back! After years of waiting, U2 fans can rejoice at the new deluxe treatment their famous '83 concert at Red Rocks is getting. It used to be that you could only get a part of the concert on VHS, but come September 30th, the whole thing can be purchased in either DVD format or as a CD/DVD combo.

Here's a clip of 'Sunday Bloody Sunday' from the concert, though I'm sure the video and sound have been re-mastered and touched up.

New My Morning Jacket Video & A Monkey Named Jasper

Here's MMJ's new vid for "Touch Me I'm Going To Scream Pt. II." aka an animated monkey's journey through the night, pretty cool.

Upcoming Shows of Note

Fastixx based:

-Man Man- August 27, Hawthorne Theatre
-Del Tha Funkee Homosapien/COOL KIDS - Sept. 4th, Roseland
-Michael Franti & Spearhead-Sept. 13th, Roseland
-Gogol Bordello- Oct 4th, Roseland
-M83-Nov. 27- Doug Fir
-TV On The Radio- Sept. 5 - Roseland

Ticketmaster based:

-Vampire Weekend -Sept. 5 -Crystal Ballroom
-My Morning Jacket-Sept. 27-Edgefield
-Jamie Lidell-Oct. 1-Wonder Ballroom
-Sigur Ros-Oct. 6- Arlene Schnitzer Concert Hall
-Ghostland Observatory-Oct. 18-Crystal Ballroom
-Hold Steady- Nov. 22- Crystal Ballroom

Full Stream of Eno & Bryne's New Album

Brian Eno & David Byrne are back in the saddle again, roping up some nostalgia and possibly some...innovation. Full stream of their new album, "Everything That Will Happen Will Happen Today" is located below you in that little black box.


Homework: Go See "Tell No One"

This is a French thriller that I can not begin to say enough good things about. Mystery, suspense, uncomfortable laughter, this also will leave you fist pumping through the rest of your day. You can search for a review online, but don't and do what I did and go in blank, just knowing its supposed to be good. This is how you make a movie!

U2-Desire (Live @ Slane Castle)

This song will break your face and leave you fist pumping through the rest of your day.


Hollywood Holt-Hollywood

Dope Boy Fresh

Beam A Little Beam

What you are looking at is a laser based, virtual wall, created to let drivers know that pedestrians are crossing the street. Alert Overkill? Awesome Design? Opinions?

Link: http://geekinetic.com/node/94


Listening Party: August 15

Broken Social Scene: Broken Social Scene- A record from the band that just couldn't stop growing (member count in the teens). Tons of talent, Feist in the mix, expansive, free flowing; all around wonderful record. Music equivalent of throwing a shitload of paint at a canvas, stepping back and realizing that it actually came together.

Fall's Tigers

On the prowl.

Comme Des Garcon x H & M

The designer for Comme Des Garcon, Rei Kawakubo designed a line for H&M. The model looks pretty serial killer chic, but some of the clothes are interesting. Check the steez & dig the details on the blazers and that sweet peacoat.

B. Son Mock Pullover Heather Something Or Other




Text taken from link below:

Originally from Oklahoma, skater and artist Klutch creates multi-layered stencil work on decks and found objects. His work has been seen on gallery and shop walls, as well as magazines, from Thrasher to Time. In his new "Skatebirds" series he combines two things he likes, skateboards and birds, by working recycled elements of dead decks into reshaped pieces.

Link: http://www.highsnobiety.com/home/the_daily_news/archive/2008/august/14/klutch_skatebirds/index.htm

Click The Link & You Get Some New Cool Kids

Song is called "Pennies." It heavy, it good.


Portland Could Be Thumpin' Too

Teens from Trinidad, now living in Queens, NYC, have taken to turning their bikes into mobile soundsystems. The one pictured above is called Basszilla. You can see it all in the movie called, "Made In Queens." God help us if Portland gets wind of the film.

Link: http://www.coolest-gadgets.com/20080814/sound-systems-for-bikes/

Miracle Berry Party In The Works

A berry that changes how your taste buds function for a few hours, turning sour into sweet. Some people out there have "taste parties." I suggest we have one.

Link: http://www.coolest-gadgets.com/20080813/miracle-berry-fruit-tablets-turn-sour-into-sweet/#more-16139


Jacking Kanye 2: Chicago Sculpture

It's called the Bean and its made out of stainless steel. I dare say, its gorgeous.


Kanye's New Video For 'Champion = Big Fun

Kanye West "Champion Video" Official Directed by NEON from nabil elderkin on Vimeo.

Check this out. Kanye as a Crank Yanker puppet. I loved it.

Listening Party: August 11

Pearl Jam: Vs.

Selling it to the layman:
Vs. is the right title for this record as it truly is, Vedder and Co. in their chosen corner, against the world. They come out swinging with "Go" whose chainsaw guitars and propulsive energy keep it chugging through the thick air that dominates this record. And it is a record, whose atmosphere weighs down heavy, but somehow, and this may be the redeeming quality of the album, or atleast the thing that makes it feel like its aggression doesn't come off as simply cold & distant, is that there is a warmth to sound. It isn't necessarily inviting, but you don't feel as they you are being kept at arms length. You have been invited into a bumpy ride, but a hand is out helping you aboard if you feel like going. Its powerful and is probably the most consistent Pearl Jam album, which makes it easy to return to.

Selling It To Phil:
1. Go
2. Animal
3. Daughter
4. Glorified G
5. Dissident
6. WMA
7. Blood
8. Rearviewmirror
9. Rats
10. Elderly Woman Behind The Counter...
11. Leash
12. Indifference

Sigur Ros: Með Suð í Eyrum Við Spilum Endalaust: There is something freeing about not understanding the meaning behind one single world that the singer is saying. To me, its the same as enjoying a book, more than the movie, for the simple fact that the images made, are created by the viewer's/listener's mind. When you don't have anything to hold on to or anything that will automatically color your interpretation, you only have yourself, which can be quite rare and quite exciting. I don't spend a lot of time in the Icelandic world of Sigur Ros. I always forget about them. But, I sure like it when I do. This album seems to be more upbeat than what I've heard in the past, with a lot more horns blowing and cymbals crashing, helping the songs to carry their marching vibe forward. However, those looking for everything to not be so booming and dynamic, will still find the ethereal wonder that has marked their previous work. They are still a headphone band, they are still a mood band, there are still Sigur Ros.

Whiskeytown: Stranger's Almanac: "Don't ask me how I'm doing/when everything I do says I miss you." Oh Ryan Adams, apparently you've always been a little down. For those that don't know, this is Ryan's first band before he broke away and threw his name on the marquee. What you get here is Alt. Country, through and through. You know, country with a little bit more of that Rock n Roll sneer. The lyrics tend to be downtrodden in nature and unlike his solo records, where you might find an upbeat number or two in the mix, these songs depend on sadness and its offshoots. And while this isn't a bad thing or something that drags you into a hole, it definitely isn't "All You Need Is Love." Another interesting element is that Ryan's voice is coated with this small town southern drawl, which gives you the impression that he was playing a character (he probably was) instead of just being himself. To sum it, I'm a fan and it will be played many times. Check Out: "Excuse Me While I Break My Own Heart," "Everything I Do," and "Somebody Remembers The Rose."