
Love Lockdown Vid

Always with style. Always an artist. What I want to know though is, who's bankrolling all of these videos he's making? I mean internet aside, its not like there's anywhere to play them anymore. Seems like the record companies would skip out on it. Maybe, 'Ye's just paying the freight himself. Opinions?

My GOD: New Justice DVD Trailer (NSFW)

Epic much? Looks like Justice knows a thing or two about rockin' up the food chain. Can't wait to buy this thing.


The World Of Light Art

Cool article with a gallon jug of pictures about light graffiti artists.

Link: http://weburbanist.com/2008/07/07/10-amazing-light-graffiti-artists-and-photographers/


2008 IDEA Winners

Follow the link and click around the pics to discover a little bit about the top design products that came out this year. The picture above is of an alarm clock that wakes you up by sending a vibration to a ring that you wear. The wearer can kick in the snooze feature by shaking their hand, but for it to keep working they need to shake more and more each time, effectively causing them to awaken.

Link: http://images.businessweek.com/ss/08/07/0717_idea_winners/179.htm

Jacking Kanye 3: The Lens Coffee Cup

Talk of the creative department, guaranteed.


Jamie Lidell - Wednesday!

That man with the funky band will hit Portland on Wednesday, ready to bring his musical sunlight to the Wonder Ballroom. I'm going, Siri's going, and the kids in the know are going. If I was a wiser man I'd be picking out some dancing shoes right now, but for now I'm just going to watch this video Pitchfork had up of Jamie doing "Figured Me Out" live. Check out the breakdown around the middle.


Here's another one from Siri. Some couple in KC, MO, loved robots so much that they decided to rustle up a bunch for the world outside. They seem to be one of ones, so act on the impulse if you want to bring it home. Samples above, more below in the link.

Link: http://nerdbots.myshopify.com/

From The Desk Of Siri: The Pentagon's Night Lights

Recently, 184 glowing sculptures were implanted into the Pentagon lawn to honor the 7th anniversary of 9/11. Interpretation of the slightly winged shaped structures, like most modern memorials, is supposed to be left up to the viewer. From the pictures it looks like it would be an eye-grabber. You can check out more pictures and more story in the link below.

Link: http://www.archdaily.com/6152/pentagon-memorial-kbas-studio/


Wired's Take On The 'Lights In The Sky' Tour

The Lights In The Sky Tour is pulling ecstatic reviews wherever it goes, in large part, because of the amazing light and multimedia set-up Reznor and his current cohorts are lugging around the globe. Here's an article detailing what's going on behind the curtain.

Link: http://www.wired.com/entertainment/music/news/2008/09/nin_show?currentPage=all


Banksy x New Orleans

Banksy, still touring the South, blew into New Orleans and left a trail of art in his wake.

Link: http://www.supertouchart.com/2008/08/29/newsstreet-lifebanksy-paints-new-orleans-as-katrina-memorial/


Did You Know The Plural Of Oasis Is Spelled Oases, Siri?

Well it is. Here's some 20 shades of beauty in the middle of the desert.

Link: http://www.environmentalgraffiti.com/featured/desert-oasis/2257

Why Not Choose Dynamic, Rick Rubin?

One of the lame things about the music industry's output nowadays is how rampantly over-compressed the music is. Below, you'll find an article about how the new Metallica album, Death Magnetic, is compressed to a point where all the dynamic tendencies of the notes have been vaporized. The article also talks about how the the studio that does Guitar Hero is re-cutting it for the next game in the series, adding all the dynamic qualities back into the album. There's even a suggestion that someone should rip the Guitar Hero version and let fans download and keep that copy. Hey Metallica! What you should do right now is remaster the album and give the fans a choice on the website of which version they want.

P.S. Shame on you Rick Rubin, you should know better.

Link: http://blog.wired.com/music/2008/09/does-metallicas.html

Sir Ben Kingsley is....Ian MacKaye

Sir Ben Kingsley STOMPS into the shoes of Minor Threat's Ian MacKaye from Mean Magazine on Vimeo.

How does this go down? How do these videos get made? That's what I want to know. Maybe Kingsley just had to rock. This is from Mean Magazine.

Link: http://www.supertouchart.com/2008/09/15/sound-visionsir-ben-kingsley-x-minor-threat/


Killer Plants

Interesting tidbits on what not to eat/nestle up against on your way through the forest.

Link: http://webecoist.com/2008/09/16/16-most-unassuming-yet-lethal-killer-plants/


'Sex On Fire' - New Kings Of Leon



This is everything a rock single should be. Or atleast something that pounds the drums for the devoted.


Downward Spiral...Broken Down Some More

Sweet review/analysis of The Downward Spiral. Thought I'd post it in honor of the tickets I'm about to snatch up on the 16th.

Link: http://www.sputnikmusic.com/album.php?albumid=129

Second Link (More In Depth Than The First, Academic): http://www.4degreez.com/nailz/ninterpretations/downspiral.html

Touch O' Color, Touch O' Magic?

For your entertainment, here's a link to color based optical illusions.

Link: http://www.colourlovers.com/blog/2008/09/10/11-colorful-optical-illusions/


NIN. Rose Garden. December 7.

Head Like A Hole (Woodstock 94)

Lights From The New Tour

Something I Can Never Have (In The Studio)

Dead Souls (one of my favorite NIN songs, even though its a cover)

Seriously, giving some thought to going and screaming for 2.5 hrs.


NPR's Broadcast Of Radiohead In Santa Barbara

Soundboard quality domination.

Link: http://www.npr.org/templates/story/story.php?storyId=94315732

"Darling, I Think My Drink Is Staining The Counter, 1983."

Pixelated Drink Coasters. You can cut them out and customize to your own heart's delight. Would I still like these if they weren't blue? Who knows.

Link: http://www.uberreview.com/2008/09/pixel-drink-coasters-8-bits-of-self-stylable-condensation-catching-goodness.htm

You Never Thought You'd Go Back To Myspace, But Go Back For 'Planisphere.'

Justice created this for the Dior Homme show and its like listening to obsidian. Just dark and shiny.

Link: http://www.myspace.com/etjusticepourtous

New Kanye: Love Lockdown

From the VMA's. I like it. I don't love it, but I think its a good middle of an album type of song. I'm surprised he brought it out because I'm not sure its a single. Or atleast not in line with the powerhouses he usually drops for singles. However, it's still pretty cool and I get the feeling that the more I listen to it, the more I'm going to jump on it's bandwagon. Something about it is already burrowing in. Well done Yeezy.

Update: I do love it. Its still BEGGING for a rap verse, though. Probably only one.

Banksy Is Ballsy

For those that don't know, Banksy is touring America, tagging it for all its worth. This image was done in Birmingham, Alabama and got removed, quickly. Guess they couldn't swallow the truth. Found on hypebeast.com

Rag & Bone Is Killin' It

Found this on men.style.com. High amount of pieces that are highly wearable.

Yohji Has Y-3 Figured Out

New Y-3 Hoodie. This is legit.


A What Was That!? Song

Con Te Partiro - Andrea Bocelli

This is one of those things, that is so pure, that it can dive inside and take hold, whether you understand the words or not. I have no idea what he's singing about, but it doesn't matter, the emotion translates.


Great Songs From The Land Of Recently

Fleet Foxes: White Winter Hymnal

Mos Def: Ms. Fat Booty

Neil Young: Don't Let It Bring You Down

DJ Krush: Journey Of Time


'When The Levee Breaks': First Edition

Anyone that's a fan of the epic Zeppelin cut, "When The Levee Breaks' can now hear the original it was distilled & bottled from...Kansas Joy McCoy and Memphis Minnie's version of the same name. Also, if you feel so inclined, you can read up on the history behind the two versions.

Link: http://blog.wired.com/music/2008/08/a-short-history.html#more


Guerilla Marketing Campaigns

Besides this campaign for "The Sopranos" with some wacked guy's arm hanging out of an NYC cab, there are 14 other campaigns you can check out at WebUrbanist.

Link: http://weburbanist.com/2008/08/27/15-amazing-dramatic-guerrilla-marketing-campaigns/

That Sweet New Oasis Song: "To Be Where There's Life"

Here's that song I was taking about in my Oasis concert post. See how it just pumps through your bloodstream? Try to shake that groove, seriously, try!

No Videos: Just Pics & Words...Ryan Adams & The Cardinals in Seattle

(Pics From Seattle Weekly)

Ryan Adams & The Cardinals blew me away the other night. I mean, I have a ton of recorded shows, both Ryan by himself and with the Cards, so I knew I was in for something good, but the sheer musicianship and talent shooting off the stage into my eardrums absolutely floored me. I remember leaning over to Gavin and just saying, "I could listen to this all night long," and I wasn't kidding. I just wanted song after song after song. Isn't that the mark of a great artist? When you just want to hear whatever they play, not necessarily because its all A+ material, just because it's real and the way its performed evens out the edges or creates some edges for something that might have been much too smooth. Basically, I sat there and said to myself, 'I couldn't go on tour or follow many bands, but I could follow this one and be so happy about it.' To sum up, he's the real deal. An artist fully out there for good or bad. And his band is so tight! And yes, I mean it as in 'THEY ARE GREAT," but what I'm really getting at is that they are real deal musicians (all of them) and they are tight, as in locked in. It was more rock than not, but that's alllllright with this kid.

If you get a chance, don't walk, but run to a show, you'll come away better for it. Next up is the setlist and if I can find the audio I'll post that later. Hey! If anyone wants some great Ryan Adams shows (solo, Cards, etc), let me know and I'll upload them.

Off Broadway
Peaceful Valley
Let it Ride
Fix It (New Song)
Shakedown On 9th Street
Cobwebs (New Song)
Please Do Not Let Me Go
Cold Roses
Everybody Knows
Rescue Blues
Easy Plateau


Ryan Adams Is A Genius (Especially Live)

It's a fact. Here's some proof.

Come Pick Me Up (Live On Letterman): Dave just gushes about the song. He's in the right.

Sylvia Plath: Tender, Sweet, But Odd Song

Touch, Feel & Lose: Here's the power of a voice. Around the middle, the fireworks start and its a show.

Cold Roses: "Daylight comes in exposin'/Saturday bruises and cold roses."

Down In A Hole (Alice In Chains Cover): You can no longer doubt if you've made it to this monster.

Before You Give The Vocoder, The Cold Shoulder It Deserves...

Watch this video, on mute if you have to. The song is just ok, but the design of the video is cool.

T-Pain: "I Can't Believe It"

"This One's For Four Eyes"- Oasis: Live In Seattle

(Images from Spin.com)

Yes, Liam Gallagher's inner tact monitor knows no bounds as he laid that very phrase on some poor guy in the front row before kicking off another, in a long line of hits. And that's how it went, with Oasis's "look how many brilliant songs we got"-o-meter on rapid fire, pummeling their adoring crowd into a healthy state of submission. Thankfully, Liam was on point with a voice sounding much better and less croaky than last tour. Noel probably smacked the frog out of his throat or something. They had a new drummer who Liam told would be fired for fucking up a song and obviously, Gem & Andy were holding it down on the left side of the stage. Also, on the right behind Noel, you had a guy that looked like "Bed-In" Era John Lennon. His contract probably states that he has to appear as a Lennon lookalike to stay in the group. Speaking of the Beatles, they dropped a mean "I Am The Walrus" to close, LOUDLY.

Show-wise: it was so great. I was surprised about how many lyrics I knew and everyone, including myself, was just singing at the top of their lungs from the first chords of song 1, which ended up being "Rock n Roll Star." Good way to spend a Tuesday. There's a reason why they have been around so long and people still love them. They might not get the stadium treatment that they do in Britain 'round here (p.s. British chaps were out in full to see their band), but they have a fanatical base here, as well. I was just excited to finally fulfill a long-held desire to see them ever since they popped up on my MtV screen back when I was a youngin'. I'm sure I missed their prime, but I don't really care, esp. since a lot of the new songs sounded pretty damn good. Excited for the new record.

Here's the setlist and some clips.

1.- Rock N Roll Star
2.- Lyla
3.- The Shock Of The Lightning (New Song)
4.- Cigarettes & Alcohol
5.- The Meaning Of Soul
6.- To Be Where There's Life (New Song, SO AWESOME)
7.- The Masterplan
8.- Songbird
9.- Slide Away
10.- Morning Glory
11.- Ain't Got Nothin (New Song)
12.- The Importance Of Being Idle
13.- Wonderwall
14.- Supersonic
15.- Don't Look Back In Anger (Acoustic)
16.- Falling Down (New Song)
17.- Champagne Supernova
18.- I Am The Walrus (EPIC)

Slide Away:

Don't Look Back In Anger:

Audio Download (If You Feel Like Hearing It): http://www.megaupload.com/?d=CBW6UY10

I'll post about the phenomenal Ryan Adams & the Cardinals set too when some videos pop up on youtube.


In Honor Of What I Missed

Missed me some Wilco and Beck this weekend and even though, Beck supposedly only played 1 hr and 15 mins! FOR HIS WHOLE SET! I still wish I went to both of them.

Here's "I'm Always In Love" from I Am Trying To Break Your Heart

Here's Beck knocking out "Little One" from Austin City Limits w/ the Lips as his backing band


Colette x Gap Collab. Coat

Such a sucker for contrast.


Radiohead: White River Amp. Show

Show was too good for words. Seriously, words cheapen it.

15 Step
There There
All I Need
Pyramid Song
Talk Show Host
The National Anthem
The Gloaming
Faust Arp/Tell Me Why
Jigsaw Falling Into Place
Climbing Up The Walls
Dollars and Cents
How to Disappear Completely
Arpeggi/Weird Fishes
In Limbo
Street Spirit
You And Whose Army?
No Surprises
Everything In Its Right Place


The National Anthem (watch the light show on this one)


There There:

You And Whose Army:

Climbing Up The Walls:

Pyramid Song:

And now you too can hear it (Audio Download): http://www.megaupload.com/?d=56FRQ09C


LeRoi Moore...Sudden Death

LeRoi Moore of Dave Matthews Band fame and a mean sax/wind instrument player, died unexpectedly yesterday. I'm really curious as to what the exact reason will turn out to be. I know he got nailed in an ATV accident and has had some odd complications during his recovery, but I didn't expect him to die. Poor guy. He will be missed and will always remind me of a certain point of my musical life.

Here's some #41 from Listener Supported...strong work by LeRoi.


New Oasis: The Shock Of The Lightning

New album is coming and I can't wait.

Google HQ Pics: Good For Them

Straight from the email of Siri Overstreet, comes a Google HQ Picture Extravaganza. Huzzah!

Slide that takes you from floor to floor. Modern day firepole?

Massages for all comers.

A room for rest equipped with darkness, fishtanks and those massage chairs you always find yourself in if the Sharper Image is a second home.

Library for the word nerds.

Eating to their hearts' content.

What's a work station without double screens for all? I like how it looks like an open book.

And the Lord said, "On everyday shall they play."

Computer problems can also signal time for a drink.

Well done Google. Hats off.